Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Kindergarten Finally Came!

The school shopping was done, the supplies all purchased, kindergarten preparation books read and this morning, Eli was ready to go!

In the past Eli has struggled with transition, from one class to the next was always a challenge for him.  This morning, I was prepared for the worst, but he got up, ate breakfast, asked for me to take lots of photo's and wanted to wait at the bus stop for his ride.  When the bus pulled up, he grinned and looked at both Ben and I for hugs and went up on the bus.  He sat in the front seat and waved to us from the window.  I was trying my best to hold it together, but my little boy has grown up.  He's so much more confident and is ready for new adventures.  I've never been so proud of my little boy and today, we all took a step forward.

Eli, I love you more than you will ever know and today you made me the most proud mommy in the world!

After his half day of school, we picked him up off the bus and he was happy as could be.  His first day was a success.  To celebrate we had mommy/Eli time at Creatopia followed by a visit to the candy store and out for our favorite Fro-Yo!

Successful day overall!

Not to get lost in the hype of Eli's big day, Lincoln started his new classroom and he was also a strong and confident kiddo!  He dug into the blocks and never looked back as I walked away!  Way to go my littlest man!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Preparing for Kindergarten

Monday, we walked up to the school to find out who would be in Eli's kindergarten class and who his teach would be.  We were excited to find out that he has friends from Goddard in his class (Mallory and Braxton) and that his teacher shares the same name as me, Heather Ruhala!

At kindergarten orientation back in May, the children were given sunflower seed to plant. They were told that when it blooms, it's time to go to school. We've looked at this sunflower every day for the couple of weeks and last night, as we were getting ready to go to the Open House at his new school, we checked on the flower.....

Lincoln's Second Birthday

We celebrated Lincoln turning 2 with a morning of fun in the water with our friends Ellie, Jake, Emily and of course Mr. Scott and Ms. Sally!  In the afternoon, we had a little gathering our house to celebrate the man of the day!

Stats at 2?
Height: 2 ft. 9 inches and 39th percentile
Weight: 29 pounds and 62nd percentile
Developmentally, he's right on track and maybe a bit head with all of his motor skills!