Thursday, June 30, 2016

T-Ball 2016

This year Eli joined a t-ball team with his friends from the Goddard School!  The Ninja Unicorns were fun to watch and I think Lincoln wanted to jump in on the action!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Pre-K Graduation - June 15th, 2016

Today, we watched Eli graduate from Pre-K. This brought so many emotions out, but mostly I am just so proud of the little guy he is and is becoming. He's so kind and compassionate and thoughtful and loving and silly and just an overall blessing. Today, he shared that he wanted to be an artist when he grows up, I hope he knows that he can do anything he puts his mind to including being the next Picasso. 81 days until Kindergarten...

Eli and his Friend Justin Ammons