Monday, January 18, 2016


I am on a mission to keep introducing the kids to new adventures and exposing them to new things.  Skyzone is an indoor trampoline park that opened here in Canton more than a year ago and we had yet to go.  Saturday, we got brave and went!  While I must say, it was not worth the price for Lincoln because he can't jump yet, Eli seemed to have a good time.  It was a bit overwhelming, but he had a blast, until Eli hurt his foot.  Turns out it was just a mild sprain, thankfully.  But, overall I think we all had a good time and will for sure be going back!

Speaking of jumping, Lincoln really wants to jump and is super cute when he tries!  He wants to be just like his big brother:)

We had family game night after SkyZone and it turns out that Feeding the Woozle is a great family game!  We all had a great time and was event fun for Lincoln!

Feeding the Woozle

Friday, January 8, 2016

Playing Together!

They are finally playing a little together!  Last night, I was trying to make dinner and Lincoln was carrying around the Hot Wheels track.  He wanted to play with it so badly, so I sat with him for a bit.  But, then I had to get dinner for some starting little boys.  I ended up bring the track into the kitchen and helped him when I could, but then Eli came in.  Without any prompting, he pulled the little lever back and said to Lincoln, “here you go Linky.”  I wasn’t sure I heard what was going on, so I walked over to witness a moment I’m sure I will never forget and of course then whipped out the camera to document what I was seeing.  The boys were really playing together, and I relish in this moment.  I love my boys so much, I’m the luckiest mom in the whole world and wow, what a gift I have been given!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016!

2015 came and went and I didn't know which way was up most of the time.  I am committing to write more this year and it starts TODAY!  I have so much that I feel I need to catch up on, but the reality is, I don't.  Everyone is happy and healthy and we are living a very active life!

Lincoln just hit 16 months, so what you don't have are his 15 month statistics, until now:

Height comes in at 2 ft 8 inches (71%)  and weight was 24 pounds (64%).  He can eat with a spoon/fork and wants to do this independently which leads to just a lot of laundry and a happy boy.  He kicks balls, loves to hit balls with long objects, has the silliest expressions and is all around a joy to have.  He admires his big brother and loves to just touch him, although Eli doesn't return the same feeling and ends up just moving farther away from him.  He loves his white dolphin (beluga whale) we got in Chicago last month at Shedd Aquarium and his bottle.  He is finally sleeping most nights through and we couldn't be more happy about this.  He has a strong mind and has to have his hands in and on everything.  When he doesn't like to hear us say no, he tends to run his head into a wall on purpose and for no other reason and then cries, naturally (it hurt!).  He is my cuddler and most of the time a mommy's boy.  I love that when I walk in the door he comes running with open arms and a big, drooly smile.  He has quite a few words and is using his signs more and more each day.  Some of his favorites are mama, dada, Eli (but imagine this at a really loud decibel), open, up, kitty cat, doggie, car, ball and a few others that are escaping  me right now.  

Eli is getting ridiculously big.  I remember him standing on the stool at the kitchen sink brushing his teeth with me bending down to reach him, now, I look up at him.  He has a gentle heart and kind words.  He is my thoughtful and inquisitive little boy who builds with his Lego's for hours on end.  He is in many ways the opposite of Lincoln, but in many ways the same.  He has a strong mind and full of opinions.  I love that he questions everything and puts me in check.  He's so funny and the things that come out of his mouth are just plain hilarious.  He was walking out of the gym after swimming with Ben and a man's car alarm was going off.  The man walked by and I believe that Eli said something to the effect of, "that alarm is so not awesome". Then while heading into dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, they found out there would be a 40 minute wait....he proceeded to indicate that Buffalo Wild Wings was just a bit too wild for them on that particular night. He loves his art class and swimming for hours and hours and is impressing us daily with his ability.  He is incredibly intelligent and I am in awe of him daily.

Lincolns' First Haircut - 11/18/2015