Monday, September 7, 2015

Lincoln is ONE!

Let's try this again!  My previous attempt at an update was not saved and I closed out....silly me!

A few weeks back my little Linky Lou turned ONE.  Yep, ONE!  How did this happen so fast!  These days I hold him a little longer and snuggle with him for just a minute more.  His ability to move has caused him to want to hang around mommy just a little less, but he's still pretty close by:)

Here are the official stats!

Heights - 2 ft 6 inches (57%)
Weight - 21 pounds 11 ounces (57%)
Head - 18inches (38%)

He has a few words including: Mama, Dada, EEEEi (Eli), kitty cat, and Hi.  He loves to point to things and can identify where something is when we ask him.  He is a little babbling boy and I love the excited sounds he makes when Eli gets him in a crazy mood.

And....he's walking, but not all the time.  He'll take 6 or 7 consecutive steps and then falls on his bum. It's adorable!

He still doesn't sleep great, but he did give us 12 hours two nights ago!

His favorite foods are: carrots, chicken, peas and yogurt.

His favorite toys: a little drum I got for Eli when I was in Arizona a few years ago, his little alphabet train push toy he got for his birthday and his big brother!  He is starting to love to put his blanket over his head and act silly like his big brother!

Now switching gears to big brother:)   He is becoming a great swimmer, loves his art class and has a laser beam focus when it comes to Lego's.  It's quite incredible to witness Eli's ability to sit and do something for a long period of time and he's kind of like his mama when it comes to wanting things a certain way!

Below are some random photo's: Lincoln's ONE year photo's, Eli's art, a trip to Lake Michigan, Jungle Java and a few others.  Enjoy!