Friday, July 31, 2015

Eli - First Book - 7/31/2015

This morning, on the way to school, Eli had a notebook and pen with him and he told me he was writing a book. He read the first few pages to me {forgive me for paraphrasing}: Mom, I love you, I'm proud of you and you are very special. I love you so, so, so much. Thank you so much for helping me find my dolphin, even though I was just sitting in the playroom coloring.
He went on and on and it was the sweetest little story.

Friday, July 31st

I feel like I kept up on things so much better when Eli was a baby.  Turns out, 2 kids is not for the weak, or the Type A personality!  I now have sticky floors, home decor out of place and toys lying all over.  But, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lincoln Updates

Lincoln is starting to talk.  So far his words are: Mama, DaDa, Eli (sounds like E-I, but screams it really loud), and now.....Kitty!  He loves to point at the kitty and call to her and get his little drool filled hands on her tail.  He's nearly walking.  

He can walk holding just one of my hands and when he's pushing his little push toy down the hallway, he'll stop and clap for himself.  It's ADORABLE!

He's a super picky eater, and by picky I mean he only wants finger food.  Although, he really loves yogurt.  I mean, really LOVES yogurt.

Eli Updates

He's back in swim lessons and doing amazing.  He just got bumped up to level 2 and is doing more and more freestyle swimming.  In no time, he'll be doing laps with his dad.

He loves Lego's.  I love that he loves Lego's, but I don't love how small the Lego's are and fear every minute of every day that Lincoln is going to pick one up and put it in his mouth.

He loves his art class.  We put Eli in a class at Abrakadoodle and he is loving every minute of it. While he has lots of exposure to arts and crafts at Goddard, this is more structured and he's learning more of the actual terminology and techniques that he isn't necessarily getting at school.  This 8 week class is focused on under water art.  What I love the most about the class is that at the end, the kids present their art.  At first, I thought there was no way Eli would get up in front of the class and talk, but sure enough he presented and did it very well.  It's crazy for me to watch my little boy act so grown up.

These two little boys love each other so much.  Eli is the most amazing big brother and he and Lincoln are far more interactive than ever.  My bucket is overflowing!