Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28th, 2015

On May 16th, we had Eli's 4th birthday party at Pump It Up!  It's basically a building with giant inflatables for the kids to jump in/on.  The theme this year?  All about Paw Patrol and the wonderful and thoughtful gifts that Eli received followed suit.  He is thrilled to have new Paw Patrol toys:)

On May 22nd, Eli's real birthday, we did what he wanted:  To go to downtown Plymouth's toy store and pick out rocks and then to see the BIG buildings in Detroit where daddy works.  We topped the day with lunch at Bagger Dave's downtown, Pump It Up for another friends' birthday party and then out for dinner with his best friend Ellie.  All in all, a wonderful day and way to celebrate my little 4 year old.

Tuesday, May 26th we had Eli's 4 year check up and Lincoln's 9 month check up and the stats are in:
Lincoln clocks in at 19 pounds 3 ounces (40th percentile) and 28 inches tall (31st percentile).
Eli is an astounding 3 feet 5 inches (66th percentile) and 34 pounds (32nd percentile).

How do the boys compare you ask? At 9 months Eli was:
Height: 28 and 1/2 inches (53%)
Weight: 17 pounds and 4 ounces (4%)
Head: 17 and 1/2
I am so blessed to have two healthy little boys:)

The night of May 27th, Lincoln finally did it.  HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!  Say what?  Yep, it took him this long to learn to sleep through the night.  Let's hope it becomes the norm!

What else is Lincoln doing?

-play in the bath with his big brother
-stand up 
-pull on the curtains
-chase the cat
-eat with his hands
-favorite foods? sweet potato, puffs, noodles, peas
-play with anything string like
-have the breeze blow through his hair
-look at animals
-he discovered a Thomas book....this might be the start of his love for trains
-sleep in the car and in our arms
-not sleep in his crib or in a hotel