Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27th, 2015

3:56 PM
Things have been a bit chaotic the last several months.  These boys of mine are growing so fast and time is getting away from me.  Lincoln is growing like a weed and Eli is getting smarter by the second.

Lincoln is now 8 months old -
  • Pulling himself up to standing
  • Taking steps to adjust when standing
  • Crawling after the cat (and cat food)
  • Loves to grab onto the curtains
  • Learning regularly what is a toy and what is not
  • Officially has his two bottom teeth popping through
  • Eating more than peas finally!  He prefers to have tidbits of food as opposed to purees
  • Doesn't care to sleep so much, still
  • Loves his care taker, Ms. Amy, at school
    • It's just he and another little boy, Lucas, in his class and gets all the attention he needs
  • Admires his big brother so much.  All he wants to do is play with Eli and all Eli wants is for Lincoln to not put Dolphie in his mouth
  • LOVES the cat…..did I mention that?  And Riley?  She tolerates Lincoln
  • LOVES the bath.  When he gets in, he just wants to splash like crazy!  He also looked the pool!  He was a peaceful little boy in the water.

Eli is now nearly 4….what, I have a nearly 4 year old?  How is that even possible.  I ordered Eli a pair of shoes last week and when the box came, I opened it and immediately thought, "oh, I must have ordered big boy sizes because these are WAY too big."  But, then I looked over at his little feet and thought, "hmmm, those aren't so little."  Held the shoes up, and yep, they were the right size!  He is growing so much now.  A month or so ago, he was about 3 feet 4 inches, that's tall and when I look at him with his friends, he is the taller one.

  • Obsessed with dolphins and his favorite stuffed dolphin, Dolphie
  • His creativity is off the charts.  I love listening to him play by himself and the way he acts out scenes from his shows he likes.
  • His handwriting is getting so good, I think it's better than most doctors out there.
  • He loves to cook/bake.  I had to start taking the goodies into work because we can only eat so many cupcakes and cookies before we get sick from all of the sweets!
  • His hair is a thick as thick can get!  Enjoy that while it lasts kid!
  • He loves school, I mean LOVES school and his closest friends Miriam and Nabil
  • Rocks, rocks and more rocks.  We can't have enough rocks.  Ohhh, Rocks and Sticks!

I say it all the time, but I'm so not good with keeping up with the blog this time around!  It's such a challenge with both little dudes keeping me busy all of the time.  I am the luckiest lady in the world to have 3 amazing boys in my life!