Saturday, March 21, 2015

Eek...It's been TOO long!

Has more than 6 weeks already gone by?  I guess we've been a bit busy!

Back in February, Lincoln had his 6 month check up and our little man came in at 17 pounds 6 ounces and 26 inches long (44th and 33rd percentiles).  He's a healthy and happy little dude who is now 7 months old.  Yep, I didn't immediately document all that's been going on, but here goes:

  1. Lincoln started solids just a few days before he turned 6 months old.  While he didn't necessary like it that much, he ate oatmeal.  Then it was bananas....didn't like it.  The only thing we have found thus far that this kid will open wide for is peas.  In fact, I ended up mixing sweet potatoes with peas today to try and get him to eat something else.  For the time being, I'm ok with peas!   
  2. Rolling like a mad man!
  3. Sitting up on his own.
  4. Chewing on anything and everything.
  5. Babbling and I believe mama is the first word:)
  6. Hangs on everything big brother does.
  7. Up on all fours and rocking.
  8. Growls and pants like a dog, thanks to his friends in day care.