Friday, January 30, 2015

This last month has gone by SO quick.  Going back to work will do that to you I guess.  I’m adjusting to being a working mom and working the schedule so everything gets taken care of.  I miss my boys all day long and the evening just doesn’t give me enough, but it does make the night time snuggles that much more special.  I have always lived for weekends, but never more than now.

Lincoln is adjusting to day care and is in the hands of some very special and loving care takers.  Ms. Amy and Ms. Rachel are awesome and Lincoln gets very excited to see them.  In his short month there, he’s grown so much.  He’s mostly sitting on his own, grabbing everything he can and chewing on it, rolling all of the floor both ways and developing this amazing personality.  He is such a little social butterfly that I think he is loving being with other babies.

Elijah is the best big brother and gets to have interactions with Lincoln at daycare.  Whether they take Lincoln down in the stroller or bring him to Lincoln’s room, it makes it so much better for Eli to know little brother is never far.  Eli is such a big helper at drop off and pick up.  He has made it his job to put Lincoln’s bottles in the refrigerator and pick up what’s left at the end of the day.  He is AMAZING, how did I get so lucky?

While we are adjusting to our new schedule, we’re still not short on fun.  We’ve not done anything crazy lately, but we have been having lots of play dates and movie nights.  This winter is a bit challenging, however we are keeping warm and active!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

5 Months Old!

Yesterday, Lincoln turned 5 months old, where has this time gone?  At 5 months, Lincoln is:

Rolling both ways
Sticking his tongue out
Sitting up mostly on his own
Grabbing for and holding toys
Putting said toys in his mouth
Drooling like crazy
Hangs on every moment he spends with Eli
Talks all the time
Smiles at everyone
Is a generally jolly baby

What he is not doing?  Sleeping through the night...a mom and dad can dream!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Dear Lincoln,

I sat and listened to your heart beat several times a week for several weeks before you were born and have not been more than a few hours apart from you for 4.5 months.  Tonight, I want to do nothing but make sure you know how much you are loved as I prepare to go back to work in the morning.  Listening to your little snores as you rest your head on mine is quite possibly the best thing to  make sure you know mommy is never far.    Tomorrow, I will leave you for 8 hours in the care of very loving people and I hope you just don't feel abandoned or forget about me because I will be missing you like crazy.... counting the seconds until i am holding you in my arms again.  I love you little one,


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

See ya later 2014 and Welcome 2015!

2014 was a great year, all things considered.  We welcomed Lincoln Joseph in August and nothing topped that this year.  We are so blessed with having two amazing little boys and I am so lucky to raise these little men with a husband who I am so incredibly proud of.  He works so hard for our family and really is an inspiration for not only his children, but me as well.

While New Years Eve is nothing like it used to be, we had a great day!  We shopped for granite in the morning, BORING (if you are anyone other than me) and then kicked the party off with a play date at Ellie's after.  The fun then continued on to Creatopia where we painted pottery pieces and had some delicious dinner at the Ironwood in Plymouth.  At home, we made hats, party poppers and noise makers to ring in the new year (assuming the ball dropped at 8:00pm!).  It was a great evening and I am so excited to see what this new year brings!