Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's a few days before thanksgiving, but I was reminded of what I am so very thankful for over the weekend.  After having Lincoln, I had been having these episodes that we thought were just anxiety and treated it as such.  Over this past weekend, I was in so much pain I went to urgent care knowing it was not anxiety.  Turns out I picked the 'go straight to the hospital card.'  

I had pancreatitis and that is a very serious problem caused by a gull stone blocking the bile ducts leading to the small intestine.  This can be life threatening beause basically my pancreas was trying to eat itself.  Long story short, I did not want to be in the hospital and certainly not over night.  I wanted to be home with the boys so badly.  After a night on the hospital, I was allowed to go home to have my gull bladder removal surgery done outpatient at a time of my choosing.

What does this have to do with being thankful?  I am thankful for my in-laws who dropped everything to take the boys, my close friend Bethany for taking me to the urgent care so early in the morning, and my husband who sat by my side.

Tonight when I was putting the boys to bed, I was rocking Lincoln and Eli was scared of the loud wind.  Ben had gone to work out so it was just me.  Eli, Lincoln and I all rocked in the rocking chair together and I was thankful that the team of doctors made sure I could have this moment. It's a moment I will never forget.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Just a few photo's of some super adorable kids


I'm trying to catch up on my posts that have been sitting on my phone for a while and didn't realize they never published....so things may be a bit out of order.  BUT....Halloween finally arrived and our little Eli's social calendar was full that week.  A party at school and our community center where he dressed as Chase from Paw Patrol and on Halloween, he was a ghost Minion.  Ben, Lincoln and I also dressed up as little characters from the Despicable Me movie, but it was so rainy and cold, it was short lived.

This is the first year Eli was really excited to trick or treat and his partner in crime, Ellie, was ready to go with him.  They had so much fun despite the horrible weather and in the end, Eli was only out for a half hour before we came home to provide treats for more than 300 kids.