Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Welcome Lincoln Joseph Stubbs

I have had updating this blog on my list for the last several weeks, and here I am finally getting to it.  I wanted to share Lincoln's birth story before I forget too many details due to sleep deprivation!

Thankfully, our little bundle of joy arrived as scheduled by way of c-section.  It was a totally bizarre morning when we dropped Eli off at school and we ran a few errands before going to the hospital.  When we arrived at St. Joseph Mercy in Ann Arbor, it was a bit cloudy out with a chance of rain, so a perfect day to be inside.  We arrived around 12:00 and after all of the prep and surgery, at 3:07pm, we welcomed our little boy we later called Lincoln.  We had a very hard time deciding on the name, in fact, most things at the hospital said baby boy Stubbs due to our indecisiveness.

Eli got to come back to the recovery room, but once Lincoln started to cry, he was out of there!  I'm sure it was a bit of a shock to see me all hooked up and a bit out of it, but there was nothing I wanted to do more than to hold both of my little boys.

We spent the rest of the day up in our mother/baby room watching a sleeping Lincoln.  It was quite the opposite experience than with Eli.  For the first 24 hours of Lincoln's life, we wished he would open his beautiful blue eyes, but he only woke to eat and barely looked at us.  With Eli, he was really unhappy a decent amount of time and we were exhausted parents from simply trying to get him evicted from my womb!

But, all in all, we were in and our of the hospital in 46 hours with only a phone call to go back because we forgot about the birth certificate!  Two absolutely amazing experiences bringing life into the world and I wouldn't change a bit of it.  Enjoy some fun photo's below!

Lincoln Joseph Stubbs
Born at 3:07 pm
Weighed in at 6 pounds 10 ounces
Length of 19 and 3/4 inches
Totally and absolutely perfect in every way with beautiful blue eyes (for now) and an amazing amount of dark brown/black hair!