Thursday, July 24, 2014

Baby Boy Stubbs

As we come up on the day our second baby would have turned 1 (7/29), I am so thankfully to be carrying around a healthy baby boy who is expected to make his arrival on August 20th.  While this post may seem a bit somber, it's important that we don't forget where we've been.  This pregnancy has been filled with so much anxiety and worry, but the little boy in my belly is as active as can be and reassures me when I need it most.  Eli talks so much about baby brother.  He can't wait to have baby brother come join our family at the end of summer and wants to teach him how to go pee-pee on the potty like he does.  He also wants to show him how to roll around in the grass and play with his toys.  Each night, Eli gives me a hug and kiss before getting into bed and it's a rare night when he doesn't rub his head on my belly and give baby brother a kiss.  I know Eli is going to be the most amazing older brother and love him in the most sincere way.  I cannot wait to meet my little rainbow baby and smother him with love.  So far, here is his nursery:)

Summer Fun!

Summer has been filled with splash parks, indoor play parks, playing at parks with best friends and of course, finding the rock piles in the construction surrounding our neighborhood and jumping around in them like only crazy little boys can!


July 4th Reunion!

It's been a few months since I last posted, however we have been busy!  No rest for the Stubbs family in the summer!

We have such a great time with family over the 4th of July holiday both here at our house and at the lake.  It was great to get the Stubbs cousins all under the same roof before the Barnes headed off to Hawaii for 3 years.  There is something about cousins that is heart warming to witness.  The interaction isn't the same with cousins as it is with friends.  I've never witnessed so many silly games before my eyes and Eli was so excited to learn so many new things.  4th of July also meant that we finally got to meet little Kaelynn (newborn of Dustin and Aubrey).  What a sleepy and beautiful baby, I could not be more exited to see them as parents. Aubrey was such an amazing care taker of Eli for so long, she's a natural with her own.  We also celebrated 90 years of July 4th's with the great one, Great Grandpa Tom and seeing Eli help him blow out the candles on the cake was a memory I hope he always has.  Thanks again to Nana and D for hosting all of us out at the lake and for all of the great memories!  Below you will find some of the wonderful moments from the week.