Sunday, May 25, 2014

We Have a 3 Year Old!

**Disclaimer: the formatting is a bit screwed up.  Looked totally fine in Word, but paste it in here and there's no fixing it.  Much to the dismay of an obsessive compulsive person:)

I did it again; I waited nearly a month to update you on what we’re doing!  Let’s break it down:

Eli got his big boy bed and it wasn’t until Memorial weekend when he started to want to sleep in it.  It’s been two days and he’s only fallen out once…..those aren’t very good odds, we’ll see what tonight brings!

Eli is potty training!  We started 3 weeks ago and had immediate success.  While I might have bought every single hot wheels/matchbox car out there, my awesome son is using the potty at home and in public with only a few accidents.  The general public may not care, but I have another baby boy coming and I need to make a note to myself:

  • Wait until he’s ready and understands.
  • Get rid of the diapers……or least let it be known that there are no more diapers.
  • Let him pick out the underpants, something about those characters that are motivating.
  • Downplay the diaper……(you won’t get diaper rash if you switch, you don’t like that itchy                 diaper, etc.)
  • Still use diaper at nap time and possibly at bowel movement time.  It’s OK, the pediatrician                 said it could take up to 6 months for this to happen.  Eli only went twice in one week and                     made using the potty a negative experience.
  • Don’t use a potty seat, use a ring only for a bit and then let him stand.  Eli thought this was the             coolest thing and the boys in his class all stand.
  • Make a big deal out of being a big boy.

We had Eli’s birthday, Mickey Mouse style!  What fun.  His big present this year was a bounce house and our only regret is not getting a bigger one!  Fun for Eli and the rest of the neighborhood and friends!  It was such a wonderful day surrounded by so many amazing people who impact Eli’s life on a daily basis.  It’s easy to see why we have such a good kid.

We had Eli’s 3 year check up on Friday and the statistics are in:
  • Height – 3 ft 2 in and 65th percentile
  • Weight – 31.6 pounds and 50th percentile 
  • It was so crazy to see Eli interacting with Brynn (our favorite nurse practitioner).  She is so amazing with him.  To hear him count for others, spell his name, say his alphabet, and talk about things we hear every day and maybe take for granted.  I think it’s fair to say our little chatter box is doing great and we couldn't be more proud!
Other than these more monumental changes, everything is going great with Baby Stubbs #2!  Eli gives kisses and head butts to his baby brother every night and is excited to teach him how to use the potty standing up like he does.  27 weeks last Friday and we were asked to pick a date to have our little one since it will be a scheduled c-section.  It’s exciting and a bit overwhelming to think that in less than 3 months, I’m going to have two little incredible boys who are going to be best friends forever!

I can’t conclude this entry without talking about our dear Aubrey and Dustin (cousin and former nanny).  They welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world on May 15th named Kaelynn Blake Enockson.  Upon telling Eli about the birth of his newest cousin, he immediately said, “we need to go see her”.  He was so excited looking at the photos and ended the conversation with,  “I love Aubrey and Dustin.”  We are so fortunate and lucky to have them in our lives and the bond he has with them is unbreakable.  I can’t wait to see little Kaelynn in just over a month at the annual impending July 4th reunion! 

I will try not to let my next post take so long, but for now, enjoy some pictures from the last month!
First board game - Chutes and Ladders

Eli playing Chutes and Ladders

Helping Dad in the yard

Wait, this isn't a slide?

It doesn't get any cuter than this!

New bedroom furniture!!

Hmmm, cars can go in here Mom!

Great view of the park from his new room

Dad went to the Tiger game and Eli and I made Tiger pizza

Fun at school!

New use for a cone.....

Lemons are sour!

First one to use the new computer at school!

Drawing a horse with two hands

Like Father Like Son

Mother's Day at the ball park and Eli's ball that was given to him by pitching coach Jeff Jones

Best Mother's Day!

Ice cream in the Park

This was taken while Tornado sirens were going off....I had to keep him occupied as I stared out the window looking for twisters!  

New use for a bowl!

Because cars go in the salad spinner!

Kaelynn Blake Enockson!

 Birthday Fun in the next several photos!

Crazy Cousins!

Best Friends

 Fills my heart::) - Eli and Ellie

Hugs for Colin!

Sleepy head on his 3rd birthday!

The happy Enockson Family

Birthday dessert

His card from Ada.....didn't want to put it down!

Neighborhood buddies Cooper and Cameron