Monday, April 28, 2014

Quick Doctor Visit

Today I had to take Eli to the doctor for a check up on his ears and was amazed that my little boy's stats...

Height - 37.5 inches 
Weight - 31.4

When did he get so tall and why does it feel like he weights more than that?  And then I remember, I am short and carrying a baby in my belly that's nearly 24 week. Either

I think this his the only grumpy fave I have seen this kid make.  My guess he was upset that the teacher out the tape on the table...clearly it doesn't go there.
My little tree hugger!
Nap time ended here after he fell asleep in the car.
Wagon ride for Eli and Ellie during Jake's birthday party:)
Dinner with Colin!

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's a BOY!

I am so far behind on my posts, but on March 28th, we found out we are having a baby BOY! We couldn't be happier to think about all of the fun our two little boys are going to have and how much love our house will be filled with.  It's been a tough journey for me personally to get to this point, but we are at week 23 today and I am feeling more and more movement from this little guy.  I love that every night before we go to bed, Eli touches my belly and tells his baby brother he loves him.  When we ask Eli what he thinks we should name his little brother, he proudly says “XYZ”.  It’s adorable.  So, from now until we meet our bundle of joy…..XYZ it is.  Here are a few of the ultra sound photo’s.