Sunday, March 23, 2014

Magical Vacation

What an amazing vacation!  A few weeks ago, we decided we’d had enough of this long winter and headed for the sunshine state, Florida!  While originally we didn't really have any other plan than to catch a spring training game, it ended up being so much more.

We flew down on Wednesday morning, early (and I mean EARLY) and as soon as we landed we headed to Sea World.  Eli had been asking to go to an aquarium, so this was right in his wheel house.  I think we went through the shark tunnel at least three times and each time, Eli would say the same thing, “Those sharks are silly.”  If he only knew a little about how sharks are not silly!  We walked all over the park and once we got to the sea lions, this kid was fast asleep.  This worked out OK for us because the sun was shining; there was an umbrella for Eli’s stroller to be under and more than enough entertainment in front of us with those silly sea lions. 

Once Eli woke up, we caught the sea lion and otter show with Clyde and Seamore.  While it was hard to know if Eli was enjoying it, I know that looking back; he may have been a bit overwhelmed since he’d just woken up.  The show was amazing and would recommend it to anyone headed to Sea World.

Lastly, we checked out the dolphin show.  I have to digress for one minute to tell a story that relates to the dolphins.  We were getting ready to go to bed the night before we left, and I pulled out a beanie baby dolphin that was given to Ben and I as a wedding gift (we were lucky to be gifted the opportunity to swim with the dolphins on our honeymoon in Mexico).  The minute Eli saw it, he clung to it.  He slept with it and carried it all through the park with us.  This was awesome because it meant we didn't have to spend a million dollars on one of them at the park, but was also awesome to see how geeked he was to see dolphins.  Back on track, we were at the dolphin show and again, I wasn't sure if he liked it until the very end when the dolphins were all doing amazing tricks and when I looked over, E was grinning ear to ear and had it arm up in the arm as if he were saying “YES, that was awesome!”  Again, highly recommend this show!

It was at dinner that night where Eli had said to us that we were going to see Mickey Mouse while we were on vacation.  This was certainly not in our plan, which was to sit around the pool all day, but after seeing the excitement of asking him if he wanted to go to Magic Kingdom, we couldn't refuse.  And boy am I glad we did it.  What a magical day.  Although we did this park last year, this year was that much better and Eli was so excited to be there.  We of course started with “It’s a small world” which was Eli’s favorite ride the previous visit and once again, it didn't disappoint.  We also hopped on the Mad Hatter Party tea cups and Dumbo.  What didn't agree with Eli was the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  Although it was similar to the Small World ride, it was quite scary in the dark cave with water shooting at us.  Eli will tell you he will never go on the Small World ride, but what he really means is the Pirates ride. 

Beyond the rides, Eli had some very special encounters with the characters.  I have to digress again on a story that is relevant.  Most recently, Eli discovered old (I mean OLD, 1950’s) Donald Duck and the Chip and Dale episodes.  He has spent the last week asking to watch them and who are we to deny the classics.  Well, when we got to the Magic Kingdom, it was a mission to meet Donald, but first, we needed to meet the big man himself, Mickey!  When we met Mickey, he immediately pretended to be trains with Eli by walking around in circles and saying chugga chugga choo choo.  I’m positive this time that Eli loved it.  After a few snaps of some photos with Eli, we were on our way to ride a train and meet Donald. 

Remember that dolphin I mentioned…..well it was at this point we realized Dolphie was missing.  I mean simply gone.  Did he lose it while he was napping, did we drop it out of the stroller somewhere?  It was nowhere to be found.  When I say this day was a magical day, this is the point in time I cried.  I went to City Hall and explained to the nice woman behind the counter that we had lost the beloved Dolphie.  It was a minute later when she came back from the back room that Dolphie appeared before my very eyes.  I couldn't believe it.  With a park that has thousands of people visiting/working; someone found Dolphie and turned it in.  I literally cried.  Thankfully Eli had been distracted by the purchase of Donald Duck just after we met Mickey, so he has no idea this dolphin was ever lost.  Again, it was a MAGICAL day.

Next, we hopped on the train to Fantasy Land on a mission to meet Donald.  While waiting under the big tent, I could see the utter joy on Eli’s face when he looked at Donald.  But first, we had to meet Goofy!  While that didn't seem as exciting, he took a great photo with him.  Then….the time had come, DONALD!  Eli walked right up to him and said, “Donald, why do you chase those Chippy’s around in circles? That’s silly!”  He was referring to Chip and Dale in the classics he watches.  If Donald were allowed to talk, I think he would have laughed hysterically. In the end, this was my most favorite day and seeing the joy and excited on my little boy’s face is a memory I will never forget.

Friday, we had tickets to the Tigers vs. Braves at the Wide World of Sports on Disney property.  What a great ball park!  We had lawn seats and even though there was no shade and the sun was blasting us, we had an awesome time!  With a week to go for Opening Day, it was a great kick start to a fun season.  Eli was such a trooper, we got him some ice cream in a Braves plastic helmet bowl with Mickey Mouse sprinkles on it. Ben and I died laughing when Ben took a bite of that ice cream and said, “Dada, don’t eat too much of that, I want to eat it all”.  I guess we each should have had our own!  Although we didn't stay for the whole game, it was totally worth it! 

That night, we relaxed at the pool, grabbed some dinner and prepared for a VERY early flight home.  We had so much fun packed into two and a half days and I wouldn't change a minute of it.  I can’t wait until our next visit to the Magic Kingdom!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

I Love You Noodles and Noodles in a Pot

Last night we went to paint pottery and from the photos you will see how much fun E had.

I also had to note that when I tell Eli I love him tons and tons at some point It transitioned to me telling him tht I loved him oodles and oodles.  That has since transformed his words into noodles and noodles in a pot:). I can see the love in his smile when he tells me this and I love him noodles and noodles in a pot more:)

Yep, that's chocolate between his eyes:)
Fun with navy beans

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Donald Duck and Who?

We introduced Eli to Donald Duck with Chip and Dale.  Tonight on the way home from school, Eli said the following:

"I want to go home and watch Donald Duck and the little brown guys"

I said, "you mean Chip and Dale the chipmunks?"

He responded with, "yes, Donald Duck and the chippy's!"

I had to call Ben because I was laughing so hard and naturally when I asked aril to repeat what he told me he said, "when I get home, I want to watch Dond Duck and the Chipmunks!"

I couldn't help but laugh.  This kiddo is simply the most amazing child:)

Tonight he also told me he wants a sister to wit next to him in the car at Costco.  At leads the isn't playing favorites because last week it was a boy:). We'll find out on March 28th which it is!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Funny Eli Quotes

Tonight while playing 'scare the cars', Eli said to Ben and I (while sitting on a separate couch as him), "all of my people will come." I am certain he was just talking about Ben and I moving couches, but who knows what head really going through his head.