Thursday, February 27, 2014

When Eli Grows Up

At school, Eli was asked what he wanted to be when he grows up.  His reply?  A helicopter pilot!  

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

This was Eli's first Valentine's Day at his school and although they really don't "celebrate" I still found the crafty side of me wanting to do something for the other boys and girls in his class.  So...thank you Pinterest forgiving me a relatively easy idea!  When I picked Eli up from school today, he had a big white box and inside were Valentine's from all of his little buddies!  Thank gosh I went with my gut instinct!!

Catching up on the first half of February

February has been more of the same.  We went a saw Elmo Live at the Fox Theater and from the photo's below, you will see how much Eli loves popcorn!  We have continued with swim lessons and some photo's below are those that his school has sent us from his days at Goddard.  Now that I have at least posted some photo's I promise to keep this updated with all the funny things that goes on with Eli!

Has it really been almost 2 months...January 2014

Where has the time gone!  It's not like we've been busy since Christmas, we've been just hanging around the house watching the snow pile up outside!  This was a low-key month filled with play dates, swimming lessons, museums, Eli's first hockey game, playing in lots of snow and even sledding on a make shift hill.  We ate out and Eli showed us his fine motor skills by using chop-sticks....yep, not a whole lot going on, but our little boy is turning into a little big boy:(