Friday, November 15, 2013

Slow down.....

I seriously need time to slow way down.  Eli is growing up so quickly and I just want to take it all in….SLOWLY.  I can’t believe all of the amazing things Eli is able to do these days. 
  •  His communication skills are beyond amazing.  He speaks so clearly and repeats everything we say, including really big words.  I’m simply amazed. 
  •  He is creative as can be.  When he talks and is telling a story, he used hand gestures (really not sure where he gets this fromJ).  He likes to talk about how Ben changed out the light fixtures in the house and when he does, he holds his hands up to the light, then talks about taking the fixture down and placing it on the floor and then putting the new one back up.  I’m not sure if that gives you a visual, but it is simply adorable.
  •  He can get water out of the fridge door now.  This came to Ben and I as a surprise the other day.  Eli has a Tupperware cupboard that he can play in and imagine our surprise when he brought in my soup bowl with the lid on it and water inside.  It quickly dawned on us….where did you get the water from?  I immediately thought he took the water from Riley’s cup (yes, the cat has her own cup on the floor by her food bowl), but I’m certain I would have heard the glass on the wood floor.  When we asked Eli to put more water in the bowl, he simply took the lid off of the bowl and held the bowl up to the water dispenser and filled it up.  WHOOPS!  When did he 1) get tall enough to do this and 2) realize he could do this.  Either way, I’m ending up with water all over the wood floors, so if you come over, watch out so your socks don’t get wet.
  •  Crafts, crafts, crafts. This kid loves to create.  Create with paint, markers, crayons, cotton balls, toilet paper rolls, etc. 
  •  Eli is the best little architect there is.  We have built some amazing towers and parking garages these last few weeks.
  • I think my favorite thing about Eli and I right now is a little game we play.  For selfish reasons, it’s my favorite.  It starts off with one of us telling the other that we love them, then it’s I love you lots and lots, then it’s love you tons and tons, or oodles and oodles, etc.  He may not know what love means right now, but for my son to know, overwhelmingly that I love him is the best feeling and warms my heart in so many ways.