Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The sad news is that Eli has pink eye, one ruptured ear drum and one bulging ear drum/ear infection.  This morning before giving him his eye drops I was trying to get the goopy stuff off of his eye lashes and must have said, "I need to get the crap out of your eye lashes first" because a few minutes later Eli repeated to me, "I need to get the crap out of my eye lashes".  Not exactly what I want him to say, but it was super cute and after the last 36 hours of little sleep, it's times like this that I cherish:)  

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Eli says some funny things, but...

Last night I could hardly contain myself.  After bath time, I was putting Eli's diaper on and he tooted.  He laughed, looked at me and said "I tooted".  I responded with the normal, and "what do we say after we toot?"  He looked at me a minute and tooted again.  Once again he responded with , "I tooted".  I smiled at him and not a second later he wrinkled up his forehead and made a funny face and at hat minute, he said what I was thinking..."I don't like my toots"....he was referring to the horrible smell he had produced with his toot.  It took everything I had not to laugh, but I simply smiled at him and got his pajamas on.

Here are some photo's from the last several weeks of Eli enjoying our fantastic fall weather!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Toy Test

In my last post, I mentioned that Eli's photo was in the Oakland press and now he's on the local ABC news!

Here's the video:

Here's the article:

CANTON, Mich. (WXYZ) - This week, kids in Canton are testing out hot new toys so parents can find out which ones children like the best. 

The Goddard School in Canton is one of 38 learning centers nationwide taking part in the 2013 Goddard School Preschooler-approved toy test. 

Toy companies can submit their nominations and then send toys to each learning center for kids to check out. 

Kids, toddlers and babies have five days to play with the toys. During that time period, teachers observe and record which toys kids like the best. 

Judging is based on how toys encourage interactive play, support learning and skill development and inspire creativity. 

Some of the toy brands participating in this year's test include ALEX Toys, B Kids, Chicco, Citiblocs, Faber-Castell/Creativity for Kids, Fat Brain Toys, Green Toys, International Playthings, Kidz Delight, K'NEX, Manhattan Toy, Peaceable Kingdom, Popar Toys, University Games and WABA Fun. 

Teachers have already noticed some early frontrunners. 

"I think the building games at this age do rank rather high," said Kristen Swierb, a young 5's teacher at the Goddard School. 

"It's the toys that the children keep going back to that seem to be the fun ones for them," said pre-kindergarten teacher Jamie Schaecher. "Everybody in here loves blocks. They can build them up. They can knock them down and they can build something else," Schaecher said. "Kinetic sand is also a big contender too." 

After the evaluation period is complete, teachers will send in their results. 

The top 10 toys will be revealed October 11th.

Read more: http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/region/wayne_county/kids-in-canton-testing-hot-new-toys#ixzz2gZMdf8OH

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall is Here!

I know it's been a while since I've posted, but it has been busy around here, so to recap.....
  • For labor day weekend, we went to visit Dustin and Aubrey in Cincinnati
  • Ben has been busy installing lots of new light fixtures in the house which has resulted in many trips to Lowe's which has resulted in a VERY HAPPY Eli
  • A few Tiger games with Nana and D
  • A first night with a non-relative baby sitter on a Saturday night
  • Ann Arbor Hands on Museum trips
Long story short, we've been in a full-steam ahead mode since August and are looking forward to another fun-filled and busy month.

What's new with Eli:
  • He can count to 10 in Spanish....who knew?  I didn't until last Friday night when Eli and I were building a tent and a song came on the Toddler Tune station and the lyrics were counting to 10 in Spanish.
  • He can spell his name....who knew?  I didn't until tonight when I was giving him a bath and wrote his name.  As I was writing his name, I said "e" and he finished with "li".  I asked him if he could spell his name and he repeated "Eli".  I am astounded and this fact.
  • He is coloring in a more deliberate way and we enjoy countless hours of this
  • He participated in a toy test at school and has been visited all week by different media outlets.  Tonight, his photo was posted on the Oakland Press website.
  • During the final regular season Tiger home game of the year, Anabel Sanchez hand delivered his warm up ball to Eli.  It was quite possibly the most adorable thing to see, my son bumping fists with a MLB pitcher.
  • Ben and I are currently doing the 30-day squat challenge and tonight, Eli insisted on participating too.  He thinks exercise is fun, I hope he thinks this way forever!
I have pictures from our adventures below and the next post will hopefully involve cider, donuts and pumpkins!  Enjoy!

Aquarium in Newport Kentucky..that's a big fish!

Tuckered out

 Eli figured out how the child locks work...on the spice cabinet.  I give him credit for getting his vacuum to help clean up.
Homemade pizza night with Ellie!

Eli really wanted to help Ben install new light fixtures!

Hands on Museum

Our new niece Marigny
Toy Test: Oakland Press Photo's

Toy Test: Oakland Press Photo's