Monday, April 29, 2013

Kids Opening Day!

Happy Kids Opening Day!
Sorry for the late post are some fun photo's from the beginning of the month, include Kids Opening Day (April 7th, 2013 vs. New York Yankees).  It's fair to mention that at the beginning of the game, Jeff Jones (pitching coach) handed Eli Justin Verlander's warm up ball!


Eli and Colin chilling out on the couch!

Swim lessons

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter Sunday

This year we had Easter at our house and had a blast hosting! Anyone who knows me knows there's few things I love to do more than throw/host a party and entertain. This year had been a little chaotic, so there wasn't a ton of time to plan, but we pulled it off.

Easter morning, the bunny paid Eli a visit! I can't explain in words how excited he was about this. His face lit up and he started running around like a crazy man!  After that, we colored eggs and played with the really cool things the bunny brought for Eli (Thomas train and book, Elmo, a bath toy and a chocolate bunny!)  Later in the day, we loved having the company of the Beard/Strauss family at our house for dinner and lots of fun playing in the park.   And because I love planning things, I planned a little Easter egg hunt.  At first the day was pretty gloomy, but the sun came out, so I decided to hide the eggs inside and outside.  I think all of the kids had fun finding the eggs, but I’m certain Eli had fun!  He wasn't sure what to do, but once he got the hang of it, he LOVED finding the eggs.  I think what he also loved was his first taste of candy!  Yep, I have put it off for almost two years and his first taste of candy was a Starburst jellybean.  When I say first, it’s the first to my knowledgeJ  After he had put the first piece in his mouth, he looked at me and said “Good!”.  He then proceeded to run around like a crazy man hopped up on sugar!

My beautiful nieces love Eli so much and it’s so neat to see them interacting more and more with Eli.  They pushed him on the swings at the park and helped him go down the slidesJ  I think my favorite moment from the day was to have all three munchkins sitting at the island in our kitchen having a snack.