Monday, March 25, 2013

The last month has been filled with so much love and joy and family.  Eli is learning so much so quickly and it’s just simply FUN.  He’s learned to count to 10, says ‘thank you’, eats like a champ and is now bottle free!  I can’t believe he’s learned his colors (although he doesn't always use them correctly and everything might be green today and blue tomorrow) and draws all the time.  He’s currently obsessed with the moon and the sun and can be found repeating over and over ‘moon up, sun down’.  He knows when the moon is up, he goes to bed, but not before we read good night moon.  He loves to be rocked and what it sounds like to us is “rocky rocky”, but is really rock me J  It’s cute the first few times he says it…but as with most of his words, he repeats them over and over until you give in.  For example, I’m raising a child who likes things clean therefore I find myself cleaning all the time because he likes 1) the color of the cleaner I use (green or brown) and 2) the sound of the spray bottle.  He now has his own spray bottle and gets his own towel when I clean.  But…to be honest, to hear him say “clean” over and over again kind of feels like a parent nagging for their child to clean their stuff up.  I’ll remind him of this later in life when he’s 16 and has a messy room J  There are tons of photo’s and video’s below and I think they sum up what we've been up to for the last month!