Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas

It’s been a bit since I’ve posted any updates on what Eli’s been up to, so let me recap:

1.       Went to a Christmas party in the sub.  Eli didn’t  know what to think of Santa, so the only thing he got from Santa was a fist bump.  Maybe next year he’ll sit on his lap again.  At this same party, he was given a bouncy ball.  Who knew he could play with one of these for countless hours, while running up and down a hallway squealing with delight.  He also got to see all of his friends including Ellie and Nicholas.
2.       Eli refuses to think that Santa says Ho Ho Ho….he kind of refuses Santa all together.
3.       We got our Christmas tree and as expected, Eli LOVES the lights.  I also put garland and lights up the banisters in the house and he daily touches the lights in awe. 
4.       Speaking of lights, one of Eli’s favorite things to do in the evenings is to turn off his playroom light and look out the window at our neighbors beautiful lights.  He gets really close to the window and whispers over and over, wow….wow…wow.  So to my neighbors, the Russo’s, we aren’t creepy neighbors trying to spy, we are just admiring your beautiful lights.
5.       I went on my first trip for two days away from Eli for work.  Eli and daddy had lots of bonding time and he was so excited to see me when I came home!
6.       Eli has started to hate the bath.  I’m not sure when it started, but he almost has a panic attack every time we try to put him in the bath.  It’s getting better, but he still refuses to sit in the tub.
7.       We had Eli’s 18 month appointment and the stats are as follows:
a.       22.1 pounds (7th percentile, up from the 6th!)
b.      32.5 inches (50th percentile, this is kind of a cruel joke they played on us, but 3 months ago they told us he was in the 90th ish percentile for height, but someone measured wrong!  Lived it up while he could!)

I’ll have more updates and lots of photo’s once Christmas craziness has passed, but for now, Merry Christmas from the Stubbs Family!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Family Pictures!

Eli's 18 month photo's and a few family shots are below.  Once again, Aubrey Couture ( did an amazing job on our photo's!  Enjoy!