Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"World Series Baby!"

This past weekend, we went to Game 3 of the World Series in a match up between the San Francisco Giants and the Detroit Tigers.  Although the Tigers got swept in 4 games, it was still the thrill of a lifetime and an amazing experience.  We were at Game 1 of the World Series back in 2006 and being back in 2012 was incredible.

Prior to that, we took Eli our to the Plymouth Orchards Cider Mill and had a donut (yep, a plain cider mill donut) and played with all of the animals.  When it came to the tractors, Eli was excited to sit on them, until we actually sat him up there.  It's clear that at 17 months, Eli does not want to be a farmer.

Monday, October 22, 2012

This past weekend was filled with so much fun and friends. Saturday was the big MSU vs UM game, not that I’m really into it (I went to the “other green and white school”).  Our friends and neighbors had an awesome pig roast tailgate at their house and it was awesome!  We then had our friends sons’ first birthday party, Nicolas!  Nicolas and Eli had so much playing, they are going to be lifelong buddiesJ  Sunday, we stopped to get some pumpkins for a local place and we had absolutely no idea how awesome this place was.  It has tee-pee’s and bunny rabbits and haystack mazes!  Eli was beside himself when we first got there.  He was running all through the pumpkins, touching each and every one of them.  He eventually found his pumpkin as you will see in one of the video’s.  We’re going to hit up another orchard next weekend, so it will be interesting to see his reaction the second time around.  We wrapped up the weekend with a nice long walk around the neighborhood and ended up at the park where Eli had a fun time with the other kids.  The last picture of Eli and Ben is becoming our favorite time with Eli because he actually sits still and cuddles with us.  While we’re not big into Eli being exposed to technology, he has learned a great deal of sign language from the ASL Baby Signs app on the iPad, so I know at least he is learning something when snuggled up and watching the screen.  His favorite signs right now are all done and more….sometimes back to back.  It’s anyone’s guess what he wants when that happens!  Either way, he likes to cuddle next to us before bed, have his milk and watch and recreate the signs the babies make.  If you are looking to teach your toddler sign language, this s the best app for it (pay to upgrade!).  Thanks to my mother-in-law for finding it!! (