Tuesday, September 18, 2012

While I don't have any exciting stories of things we have done in the past few weeks, I have some fun video's and photo's of our little munchkin!  Recently, Eli has started trying to chat with us more.  Instead of pointing up at the light and saying in his cutest tone, ahhh, he's saying something more like babaasldkfj?  If you can't understand what that means, then we are on the same page!  He's trying to put together strings of sounds to communicate, which means talking is right around the corner!  It's so cute to hear him talk, I could listen all day long!

The pinwheel we got from the fall festival in Plymouth!

No explanation necessary!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Tiny Town, Lake time, and Little Giggles!

Friday, Eli had his official 15 month check up and the stats look like this:

Height: 30 3/4 inches (94th percentile)
Weight: 20 pounds 13 ounces (4th percentile)

Yep, we have a giant on our hands (for now anyway!)

A little late on posting this, but last week, I had Thursday and Friday off for vacation and Monday was labor Day, so Eli and I got tons of "mommy/Eli" time!  Thursday, we stuck close to home, but Friday, we ended up going to Tiny Town (an indoor play place) in Northville with Lea and Grant.  From the photo's below, you can see how much fun they had!  After some good play time, Eli and I had some afternoon fun reading books and playing in the park.  Friday night, we went to the Wiacek's house where we had a fabulous dinner, great friends to hang out with and two little boys who play well together! 

Saturday morning, we headed west to the lake to see Nana and Grandpa D.  While the weather didn't exactly cooperate, we had so lots of adventures.  From boat rides to eating on the deck, to just playing with his grand parents, it's fair to say Eli had a great time.  From the photo's below, you can see Dustin and Aubrey joined us.....and Aubrey is responsible for the pony tail Eli is sporting!

One last thing to leave you with is a video of Eli in the bath....just try and tell me that he doesn't like bath time!

Wonder where they learned this from
Price Check....
Eli and Grant hanging out
The shopping cart he really didn't want to give up
Not so sure about this one
Is Eli giving Grant a noogie?

Too cute not to share:)  Elijah loves bath time....here's the proof!

Hmmm...what's all this?

Dustin making E laugh

Driving the boat with Grandpa D
Aubrey did this to me
Naturally he finds the light on the boat (he's obsessed with lights).  This one, however, he can turn off and on by himself!