Monday, July 9, 2012

Waking and Talking?

What a weekend we had! I was lucky to have Friday off work so I could hang out with my little man. Although exhausting, we had a blast. Saturday, we got up and walked a 5K in Saline with my company and Eli was the perfect passenger in his stroller. On the way home, Eli was babbling and I just placed my head in his car seat and stared at my miracle sitting there. I started to say words that start with ba since he was repeating and practicing the sound over and over. Baseball, Ball, Baby, Bubble……and as clear as day he said it: BUBBLE! Really? Did you just say bubble? YEP, and Ben was witness to my son saying his first distinct word (not to mention a two syllable word)! Later that day, he just kind of babbled when all of a sudden he said “baby”. Really? Two clear words in one day, could it be? Yeppers! Bubble and baby! It was also on Saturday (July 14th), that Eli took 3 consecutive steps toward me! He only did it the one time, but he did it! It’s also fair to say that on this day, Eli had a real boo-boo. My heart about broke when I saw blood gushing from his lip after a fall, but 10 minutes later, Eli was back at playing like nothing had happened! What a tough little dude!

Sunday Funday! This is the day that will go down in the books as the first day Eli walked. While grocery shopping at a very busy Meijer, Eli was off looking a fish with Ben. All of sudden, Ben came over with Eli, and Eli WALKED to me! He must have taken about 20 consecutive steps! Of course we were in the baked goods aisle and he went to the brownie boxes, but that was it! That was the first time my little baby boy walked! While I was checking out, Ben had my debit card. He handed it to Eli and Eli again walked it all the way over to me, a good 20 steps! My little boy is growing up so quickly! SLOW DOWN ELI!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Last weekend, we had a great time celebrating Aubrey and Dustin's upcoming wedding with a shower at our house!  I can't believe in less than a month, we'll be taking our long summer vacation and end it with the marriage of these two wonderful people. While Eli still isn't walking, we are certain he will have no problem going down the aisle as ring bearer (or as I like to think of it, Ring Security!).
What's new with Eli since my last post? Well, I think we are close to having a walker on our hands! Today he stood on his own and when I asked him to walk to mommy, he got super excited, started to step forward and fell to his knees! It's just a matter of time before this kid is off and sprinting through the house. And what do most walkers need? Good shoes....and so we went to get some good shoes. Shoes have been one of those thins I haven't wasted money on, what was the point? Well, this last week I realized the point when Eli was outside pushing his walker around bare foot and ended up with bloody feet:(. It wasn't that bad, but bad enough So off we when and $35 later, he's sporting some new Puma Velcro tennis shoes. We must have tried on a hundred pair before we found what seemed to be the only shoes that fit him. Whatever, they are cute and will fix this whole bloody foot thing!

Words..that's new(ish). I think Eli is grasping the concept of questions alright. When he babbles to us, it always ends in a raises voice like a question....usually emphasized by pointing in the direction of a window (likely pointing to his favorite tree outside the door). He points constantly at things which shows us he is interested in learning, so we are quick to name what we see in the general vicinity.

4th of July.....not the same as every year, but still went out to the lake Tuesday night and stayed until later Wednesday and had a blast on the boat and swimming in the lake.  This year Eli got into the lake and based on the photo's, you decide if he liked it!

This weekend, we had the annual Cherry Hill Village picnic where Eli got to play with all of his buddies in the water, trying to cool down from the insane heat we've had.  I think Eli seeing his friends walk is making him want to because this evening we took a walk and wanted to walk the whole time with just holding my hands.  He walked half way around the block and I'm certain he's pooped from it!  Any day now those first unassisted steps are going to happen.

Quick Facts
1.  Eli can just about run with just holding my finger tips.
2.  Eli knows tree, door, light, flowers, vacuum, bath, blanket and a few others.....and he shows he knows these things constantly!
3.  Eli eats everything and hasn't really shown a favorite or anything he dislikes
4.  Eli is LOVING his push cart, in fact, he plays with it non-stop.  I think he's going to become a hoarder the way he collects items and puts them in the cargo holder
5.  Eli loves water....swimming, playing and bathing in it and especially loves watching the swimmers on TV
6.  Eli is still taking swim lessons and has become a little fish in the pool

Best Friends (Ellie and Eli)