Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Last weekend, Ben and I had to run some errands and of course ended up at Target.  I had read earlier that week that there was a book reading of Lorax by Dr. Seuss to celebrate the great children’s writer’s birthday.  They had a cute area setup for the children along with little bags, coloring books, and treats.  Elijah got a balloon, his first ever exposure to a balloon, and needless to say he was an ecstatic little boy!  We stuck around for the reading of Lorax and One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and during the whole readings, Eli was squealing with delight!  And of course….we bought the new Lorax book, how could we say no?  Shhh, don’t tell Eli it’s going to show up as a present in the near future!

Saturday afternoon and Sunday, Nana came to visit Eli and he was such a happy little boy!  He confirmed this by practicing a very high pitched squeal…which we are not encouraging! 
Here's just an additional video demonstrating Eli's ability to focus:)  He has been studying this box for the last week: opening and closing the flaps, climbing in and out of it, climbing on top of it, and mostly chewing on the corners!  Either way, he demonstrates this focus on trying to figure things out that is completely adorable! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

9 Month birthday

Happy 9 month birthday to my precious baby boy! Again, I'm not sure where the time has gone, but I know I've loved every minute of every day with him in it.  Thanks to the Presidents (celebrating Presidents Day), I had Monday off of work which meant I got to have quality Eli and Mommy time.  We started the day with grocery shopping, then napped, then more errands, then Jungle Java to play.  It was at Jungle Java, the first sign of stranger danger appeared.  Eli is normally very social, but he would crawl a few feet, look back for me, turn around and crawl up my leg.  He clung very close, which for selfish reasons I didn't mind!  Either way, he still had a good time!  We finished our day with some time in the Ergo (baby carrier) where we just cuddled.  Tuesday morning was a little tough for both he and I, I think.  I know I cherish every minute with Eli and struggle with my time away from him.  They say it gets better with time, I call their bluff!  Enjoy some photo's and video's from our funday Monday!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Growing Quick!

It's been  bit since my last post, so hopefully I can summarize all the cool things Elijah is starting to do.  Let's see, he's:
  • sitting up on his own (and has been for a while)
  • splashing like a crazy man in the bath tub (this shouldn't surprise you, he's a Stubbs and is probably destin to live a quarter of his life in the water)
  • he's pulling himself up on every piece of furniture we own
  • starting to "cruise" along furniture (especially when our phones or the remote control is within site)
  • climbing up the stairs (mostly to chase Riley, the cat)
  • eating all kinds of delicious foods (some of his favorites are: yogurt, peas, asparagus, mango, apples, zucchini, raspberries, blueberries, egg yolks, cottage cheese, broccoli, green beans and pretty much anything else you put in front of him!  He especially did NOT like tofu, but we'll keep trying!)
Eli is growing up so quick, right before our very eyes.  Everyday is a new adventure and filled with so much fun.  He's learning to make new sounds and can now say things like "na-na" and  "da-da", I'm still waiting for the day he says "ma-ma", but in due time!

We've been keeping a pretty low profile in the last few weeks, but we've got some new activities planned for Eli!  In the mean time, I've added a bunch of photo's and video's below, ENJOY!