Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nighttime Diaper Changes and New Noises

There is a reason why I don't do the nighttime diaper changes and Ben does.....it's because this is what happens!
Shirt was not buttoned (and soaked), baby legs (leg warmers) were falling down and his diaper clearly served no purpose....yep, Mom changed my diaper at 3:00am last night!

Ben is gone at a work convention this week, so of course Eli picks last night to start making the cutest noise!  I had to run a few errands and all of a sudden hear a bababababab from the backseat.  I just laughed out loud enjoying the sweet noise.  When we got home, he continued to practice his new noise....take a listen.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Funny Video's

I swear we are not bad parents and let Eli sit around in poopy diapers, Eli had been perfecting his Elvis-like moves all day.  It was just much funnier that he had a really smelly diaper at the time of this video!

Ben likes to have Eli take lap naps on the weekends (much to my dismay and of course Aubrey's when she comes back on Monday's and Eli is "broken").  Sunday, Grandpa D and Nana were over for a visit and we were showing them how Eli can change his voice when he is bounced, but apparently, Eli was tired.  You can see from the nose dive, he was REALLY tired.  it's fair to mention that as soon as this video was taken, Eli went to his crib for an hour and a half nap!  Sorry the video is sideways, I have to play with it and see how I can get it to display the correct way.

Friday, November 11, 2011

No Babies were Harmed in taking this Photo!

Eli does NOT like avocado.....but, LOVES banana and prefers to chew on apples as opposed to teething rings (see below: no worries, he can't actually eat the apple, that would require teeth!)  Aubrey was eating an apple and Elijah kept trying to reach for it.....so, in the spirit of letting him explore everything safely, we let him gnaw on the apple!  Turns out he loved it!
**Yesterday was the first "snow fall" of the year, however it was not enough to cover the ground.  So, technically, it's the first time Eli has ever set his eyes on snow!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Did he just say Da Da?

I think it's pretty clear by this video he did!  Elijah has been doing a lot of experimenting with his tongue, so although my voice sounds funny in this video, he was mimicking what I was doing and all of sudden, da da came out.....it's no surprise that da da will likely be his first intentional word!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Avocado it wasn't! Banana it was!

This whole week has been a huge stress, but this morning when Eli took his very first bite of banana's, it all went away.  This week started out by me recognizing that Eli is not 6 months old, he's exactly 23 weeks and 6 days, one day short of being five and a half months old.  Just because 24 divided by 4 is 6, doesn't mean that Eli is 6 months old.  Here's I've been researching and planning for Eli's big day of eating real food for today, and he's not 6 months old (the recommended age for introducing solid foods).  I decided we'll make today a go anyway since Eli has been giving me all of the cues for wanting to take the next step.  So...the day arrived, 8 organic avocado's bought especially from Whole Foods and when Ben went to crack one open, it wasn't ripe.  YIKES, now what??  Well, in my research, it also said banana's were a good first food and we happen to have 4 on the counter, so banana's it was!  We skipped the rice cereal, so this was truly Eli's first bite of food.  He looked like such a big boy sitting in his high chair for the first time, it makes me a little sad to see his growing up so fast.  What happened to that tiny, little infant we brought home from the hospital.  It seems just like yesterday we couldn't get him to finish a two ounce bottle, and here we are, feeding him with a spoon a delicious, ripe banana.  Eli seemed to understand what was happening and he opened up nice and wide for his first bite.  I'm not sure if he knew what he was getting since anything coming near his mouth doesn't stand a chance of missing the Eli-drool or a hard little tug.  This was a big milestone day for my little boy and I can promise you that in 4 days, Eli will be getting his first avocado, since I have 7 of them waiting for him!  In just a few weeks, he'll be able to enjoy some mashed potato's during our Thanksgiving feast!  I hope you enjoy the video of Eli's first bite of real solid food, plus some additional video's we took this morning.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Elijah's First Halloween

Yesterday was Elijah's very first Halloween!  You may or may not get this, but we dressed up as Peter, Lois and baby Stewie from the cartoon Family Guy.  It's not really a kids cartoon, but it was fun for us to have a group costume.  Here's what the cartoon family looks like:

Here's what Ben, Elijah and I looked like....that's us in the middle of the group photo! 
We have so many children in our sub and I know I've blogged before about play group, well, here are all the babies Elijah's age!  It was so nice of Michael and Lea (Grant's mom and dad) Wiacek to invite us all to her house for a little baby party!  It's not like Elijah is out eating candy, he has no teeth and he hasn't had a solid piece of food to date!  We had an excellant time just hanging out and can't imagine not being part of such a cool little play group.  These kids are going to have an amazing time growing up together!  What we did miss out on this year was handing out candy.  Our subdivision goes all out for every holiday and Halloween isn't any different.  There were well over 350 trick or treaters in our neighborhood.  Of course most of the kids aren't from our sub, it's still nice to think parents bring there children here because it's a safe place.  Here are some photo's from Elijah's first Halloween and Halloween party!

Eli on Halloween morning

 Eli, Ellie and Colin
Eli, Ellie and under that walrus costume is Grant (we joke that Grant and Eli are fighting over Ellie)

Our little Eli (AKA Stewie)

Eli and Ellie

 I find it absolutely adorable that when Ellie and Eli see each other they want to touch each other and last night was no different.  Sally (Ellie's mom in the background) and Aubrey (Eli's nanny) go for walks with the kids and take them to the park, so they are around each other a lot.  I'm not sure if they recognize each other when they see each other, but it certainly seems like it!

Outdoor Progressive in Cherry Hill Village

Last week was nothing too special, however last Saturday Ben and I had a night out.  Our neighborhood had a Progressive, which is basically a traveling house party.  We were fortunate enough to have Dustin and Aubrey come over to watch Elijah while Ben and I had some adult interaction.  We had a fabulous time.  Here are some fun pictures from the event.

 My Social Committe Friends
Jessica and Frank

 Me and two football players (Frank Zombo on the right plays for the Packers).....I'm short
Me and Jessica and her Pump Cup (get it "pump"..pumpkin?  Ben made that up)
Me and Katie